
3 Food the Queen banned in Buckingham Palace

We all know that what we eat affects our bodies and our health. But did you know that what we eat can also affect our breath? That’s right – the foods we eat can either help us avoid bad breath or cause us to have bad breath.

So if you’re looking to prevent bad breath, you might want to prevent these three everyday food items that the Queen has banned from Buckingham Palace.

3 Everyday food can avoid bad breath

1. Garlic 

We all know that garlic is an excellent ingredient for flavoring our food. But what many people don’t know is that garlic can also cause bad breath. That’s because garlic contains sulfur compounds released into our breath when we eat it. So if you want to prevent bad breath, you should avoid eating garlic.

2. Onions

Like garlic, onions are an excellent ingredient for flavoring our food. But onions also contain sulfur compounds which can cause bad breath. So if you’re looking to prevent bad breath, you should avoid eating onions.

3. Milk 

You might be surprised to learn that milk can also cause bad breath. That’s because milk contains lactose, a sugar that can feed the bacteria in our mouth and cause bad breath. So if you’re looking to prevent bad breath, you should avoid drinking milk.


So there you have it – 3 everyday food items that the Queen has banned from Buckingham Palace so they can prevent bad breath. So if you’re looking to prevent bad breath, you should also prevent these three food items.

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