Healthy recipes

Why Isn’t My Dosa Turning Brown and Crispy?

Craving Crisp Dosas? Master the Art of Making Perfectly
Craving Crisp Dosas? Master the Art of Making Perfectly

We’ve all been there – standing in front of the stove, eagerly awaiting that golden-brown, crispy dosa, only to find it falling short of our expectations. If your dosas are missing that signature crunch and color, fear not! We’ve compiled a list of expert tips and tricks to troubleshoot the issue and help you achieve the crisp dosa of your dreams.

1. Quality Dosa Batter is Key:

Start with a well-fermented and properly prepared dosa batter. Insufficient fermentation can lead to lackluster dosas. Allow the batter to ferment for the recommended time; it’s the secret behind achieving the right texture and color.

2. Preheat the Tava (Griddle) Properly:

Ensure your tava or griddle is well-heated before pouring the batter. A hot surface is essential for creating the initial sizzle that gives dosas their crisp dosa texture. Sprinkle a few drops of water on the tava – if they sizzle and evaporate quickly, it’s ready.

3. Choose the Right Oil and Quantity:

Opt for a neutral oil with a high smoke point, such as vegetable oil. Using too much oil can result in soggy dosas, while too little can lead to sticking. Lightly grease the tava using a cloth or brush to create a thin, even layer of oil.

4. Spread the Batter Thinly:

When pouring the batter, spread it gently and evenly using a circular motion. A thin layer of batter helps in achieving the desired crispiness. If the batter is too thick, it might remain undercooked in the center.

5. Maintain the Right Temperature:

Balancing the heat is crucial. Start cooking your dosa on medium-high heat to achieve the initial crispiness, then reduce the heat slightly to ensure thorough cooking without burning the dosa. Adjust the flame as needed throughout the cooking process.

6. Flip at the Right Time:

Patience is key when it comes to dosa flipping. Wait until the edges turn golden-brown and slightly lift off the tava before attempting to flip. Use a flat spatula and gentle motions to avoid tearing the dosa.

7. Experiment with Ratios and Ingredients:

If you’ve followed all the steps and still aren’t achieving the desired result, consider tweaking your dosa batter recipe. Adjusting the ratios of rice and lentils or trying different types of rice can sometimes yield better results. Adding a pinch of baking soda to the batter can also help with browning.


With these tried-and-true tips, you’re well-equipped to troubleshoot and tackle the challenges of making perfectly browned and crispy dosas. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be disheartened if your first few attempts aren’t flawless. Keep experimenting, honing your technique, and before you know it, you’ll be serving up a stack of beautifully crisp dosa that rival any restaurant’s!

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  1. […] Also read- Why Isn’t My Dosa Turning Brown and Crispy? […]

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