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10 Foods You Should Eat on Mahavir Jayanti

10 Foods You Should Eat on Mahavir Jayanti
10 Foods You Should Eat on Mahavir Jayanti

Mahavir Jayanti is one of the most important festivals for Jains. It celebrates the birth of Lord Mahavira, the 24th and last Jain Tirthankar. On this auspicious day, Jains visit temples, offer prayers, engage in religious activities, and participate in community meals. Food plays a central role in the festival celebrations. Since Jains follow a strict vegetarian diet, the feast is completely devoid of meat, eggs and alcohol. Most foods are cooked without onion, garlic, ginger and root vegetables. Here are 10 traditional foods you should eat on Mahavir Jayanti to honour Lord Mahavira and bring good health and prosperity.


Sundal is a nutritious South Indian lentil salad made with boiled chickpeas or white peanuts. It is seasoned with fresh grated coconut, curry leaves, mustard seeds, urad dal and green chillies. The tangy, nutty and spicy flavours make it an excellent snack to serve for Mahavir Jayanti. It provides a good amount of protein and dietary fibre.

Sabudana Khichdi

Sabudana khichdi is a fasting favourite, made with sago pearls, potatoes, peanuts and mild spices like cumin and green chilies. The sago provides energy while potatoes make it more filling. It is easy to digest and a light yet hearty dish for festivals when you are fasting. Sabudana khichdi can be eaten on its own or served with yoghurt or pachadi.

Dal Pakwan

Dal pakwan is a popular Gujarati breakfast dish that is perfect for Mahavir Jayanti. It consists of a flaky fried bread called pakwan served with cooked lentils and chopped onions. You can make the dal with tuvar, moong or chana dal. The combination of protein-rich lentils and crispy bread makes for a wholesome and satisfying meal.


Kadhi is a spiced yoghurt-based gravy that goes well with plain rice or khichdi. It is made by cooking yoghurt with besan (gram flour), then tempering it with curry leaves, mustard seeds, ginger and green chilies. Kadhi makes for a soothing, cooling accompaniment for the simple fasting thali on Mahavir Jayanti. It aids digestion too.

Samo Rice

Samo rice is a festive Jain preparation made by cooking whole wheat kernels till they swell and pop. It is then tempered with cumin, curry leaves, green chilies and roasted peanuts. Samo rice can be flavoured with grated coconut or a sprinkle of lemon juice too. It makes for a crunchy, healthy and delicious dish to include in your thali for Mahavir Jayanti.

Phool Makhana

Phool makhana or lotus seeds are popular during Navratri fasting. But you can also include the fox nut poppers in the Mahavir Jayanti thali. Dry roast them with a sprinkle of rock salt and spices like coriander powder or chaat masala. Phool makhana are high in protein, make you feel full and provide energy. They are also low in calories and fat.

Singhare ka Atta ka Halwa

Singhare ka atta or water chestnut flour is used to make a special fasting halwa for Mahavir Jayanti and Navratri. It has a melt-in-the-mouth texture and is flavoured with cardamom and saffron. You can also add chopped almonds or pistachios. This sweet porridge-like halwa provides a dose of energy when fasting.

Malai Peda

What’s a celebration without something sweet? Malai pedas are soft, creamy milk fudge made by cooking condensed milk till it solidifies. Flavour it with cardamom and saffron for a rich, decadent treat. Malai peda is an indulgent way to satisfy your sweet tooth on Mahavir Jayanti while fasting. You can also substitute regular milk for non-dairy options.

Read more- A Rasmalai cake for every occasion

Fresh Fruits

Fasting thalis should always contain fresh fruits like bananas, apples, papaya, pomegranate and Indian gooseberries (amla). Not only are fruits packed with important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, they provide fibre, sweetness and variety to balance fasting meals. Fruits aid digestion and give an energy boost too.

Lemon Water

Last but not least, drink plenty of lemon water through the fasting period. Adding some lime juice and a pinch of salt to water helps replenish lost electrolytes and prevents dehydration. This zesty drink also boosts metabolism, clears the stomach and provides vitamin C. Sipping on lemon water will keep you energised and hydrated as you fast on Mahavir Jayanti.

Read more- Top 5 benefits- why you must drink water!


Mahavir Jayanti is a major festival for the Jain community. The traditional fasting thali is designed to provide energy, nutrition and variety while aligning with dietary restrictions. Incorporate protein-rich lentils and beans, starchy vegetables, crunchy snacks, cooling yoghurt-based dishes, nourishing sweets and fresh fruits in your thali this Mahavir Jayanti. Fasting is a chance to reap the health benefits of a plant-based, low-fat diet. Don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated with lemon water too. Plan your Mahavir Jayanti thali with these 10 foods and have a healthy, happy and blessed celebration!

After the fasting period, satiate your hunger pangs and food cravings by discovering amazing restaurants near you with the HOGR app. HOGR lets you find food based on your tastes, mood, budget and more. Get personalised recommendations for the best dining out and food delivery options in your vicinity now!

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