Tips & Hacks

Top 5 Salads to beat the heat this Summer!

Kachumber Salad

Summer is the season for you to whisk up the perfect salads to keep you hydrated all day long! Using the right ingredients and drinking ample water throughout the day can help you stay fresh the whole season.

Here are some of the top 5 Salads you should be munching on for ‘Healthy and Nutritious Week’-

1. Kachumber Salad-

Kachumber Salad

The Kachumber, meaning cucumbers, are some of the best ingredients that can be used for almost any kind of salads. Kachumber Salad is the perfect crunch this summer due to its heavy content of cucumber. Cucumbers have high water content, hence can keep you hydrated all long. Get the recipe!

2. Green Salad-

Green Salad

With the goodness of the greens pumping in, green salads are amazing for their freshness factor. A salad so easy to prepare and light! Get the recipe. 

3. Sprout Relish Salad-

Sprout Salad

One of the best salads to get you going all day long! Packed with multiple nutrients and proteins, a single bowl of sprout salad with a perfect workout regime can give you the body you have always dreamt for. Get the recipe now! 

4. Carrot Sambharo Salad-

Carrot Salad

Carrots are also a perfect ingredient for salads due to its high mineral content. This salad has carrots as the major ingredient, hence giving you a nutrient-packed day. Get the recipe now!

5. Pasta Salad-

Pasta Salad

Who wouldn’t love pasta in salads??? Pasta salads can be your perfect bowl of dinner when you blend the perfect ingredients along with it. Get the recipe now!

6. Chicken Caesar Salad-

Caesar Salad

For all the meat lovers, add some chicken to your favourite salad. The best salad for a meat lover is the Chicken Caesar Salad; toss some chicken into your green salad along with some Caesar dressing now.

Lazy to prep these salads on your own? Get them now with your favourite meal plan from EatFit.

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1 Comment

  1. […] best way to make a salad at healthy fast-food places is to order the salad and then add protein. For example, if you go to […]

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