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High Cholesterol? Get the Straight Scoop

High Cholesterol? Get the Straight Scoop
High Cholesterol? Get the Straight Scoop

The cholesterol in your body is a waxy substance made by your liver. It can build up in the arteries and clog them up, causing heart attacks. If you have high cholesterol, it’s best to get it under control.

Animal fats raise cholesterol levels, but plant fats don’t.

Animal fats raise cholesterol levels, but plant fats don’t. When you eat animal products, your body has to work harder to process the saturated fat in the food. That’s because it’s solid at room temperature and doesn’t dissolve easily in water, which can build up inside your arteries and cause heart disease. Plant-based foods have unsaturated fats that are liquid at room temperature, so they’re easier for your body to break down and use as energy instead of storing fat on your hips or thighs (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

Eggs are a major source of cholesterol and should be eaten sparingly.

Eggs are a major source of it, so you should limit your egg intake. But there’s more to the story: eggs are also a good source of protein, vitamins, and minerals—especially antioxidants—and omega-3 fatty acids. For example, one large egg contains about 6 grams of fat and 60 milligrams of sodium; it also provides about 70 calories.

Eating more fruits and vegetables is a key part of lowering cholesterol.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help lower cholesterol. Fruits and vegetables are good sources of fiber, which may help prevent constipation. They also contain antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation linked to heart disease.

Fruit juice, dried fruit, and cooked or canned tomatoes are sources of vitamin C—a nutrient that helps protect your body against oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin C can also improve the absorption of nonheme iron (the type found in plant foods), which plays a key role in red blood cell production.

Eating processed foods can raise cholesterol-levels.

Eating processed foods, which are high in saturated fat and refined carbs, can raise cholesterol. Processed foods are also often high in sugar and sodium—and low in fiber. As a result, eating too much of these types of food can increase your risk for heart disease and stroke.

Dietary cholesterol isn’t bad for you.

Let’s get straight: dietary cholesterol is not bad for you. It’s essential to a healthy diet, and your body needs it to function properly.

Cholesterol is found in all foods, including vegetables, fruits, and protein-rich foods like meat and eggs—even the yolk of an egg contains about 20% of the daily recommended its intake.

But what makes this substance so controversial? Cholesterol is a family of molecules with many functions in our bodies; some are good for us, while others can cause health problems when they build up in our blood vessels over time (this process is known as atherosclerosis).

Eating more non-processed foods is a good way to lower your LDL.

Eating more non-processed foods can help reduce your LDL cholesterol level.

  • Avoid saturated and trans fats. Saturated fats are found in meat, butter, and other dairy products. Trans fats are found in processed foods like donuts, cookies, and chips.
  • Avoid animal fats, hydrogenated fats, and other processed food products with added sugars. These items raise LDL cholesterol levels while lowering HDL levels—the good kind of cholesterol that helps protect against heart disease!
  • Avoid red meat and bacon. These products are high in saturated fat, which raises LDL cholesterol levels. Instead of red meat and bacon, choose leaner sources like chicken, turkey, and fish.


So, how do you lower your cholesterol? The best way to do this is through diet and lifestyle changes. But how much can you change your diet before it becomes a full-time job? The good news is that they will add up if you make small changes over time. 


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  1. […] a healthy diet is key to lowering your cholesterol levels. Here are some tips and strategies for maintaining a healthy […]


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