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What Did Alia Bhatt Eat To Get Super Fit & Lose 46 KG?

What Did Alia Bhatt Eat To Get Super Fit & Lose 46 KG?

Alia Bhatt’s weight loss diet and her incredible fitness journey has fascinated everyone. Alia lost more than 20 kg within a short span of time and managed to gain flexibility and agility alongside. Let’s take a look at what her diet consists of!

Alia’s regular diet

Alia usually has five to six small meals in a day and those meals are usually sugar free. She also prefers to have a diet plan that is not rigid and keeps changing according to the needs of the roles she is supposed to play. She believes in a holistically fulfilling diet plan!

Breakfast is the most important meal

Alia believes that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. She starts her day with an antioxidant rich breakfast that reduces free radicals in the body and prevents various ailments.

Light dinners

Alia believes it is important to keep the dinners light. Her dinners are usually pretty basic comprising of dal rice or curd rice. She does not like anything fancy or over the top for dinner and prefers keeping it subtle.

Swap the bad with the good

If you do realize that some foods are making you fat or unhealthy, then try and swap them for healthier and better choices. The task may sound like a difficult task but will definitely help you lose weight pretty easily. Try to reduce your sugar consumption as well.

Thus, Alia lost weight by making better, but not essentially tougher choices. If you’re looking forward to losing weight, she can definitely be someone worth looking up to.

Featured Image Credit: Alia Bhatt

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