Health & Beauty

Top 5 Healthy Indian Foods for Strong Immunity in Winters

Navratri Food Online

As winter is here, all we want to do is curl up in our blanket and stay in. Honestly, that won’t be the right thing to do. We should rather stay active and win over laziness and not let it ruin our day. The dip in temperature reduces our physical activities and lowers our metabolism rate. This could largely affect our immunity system. The cold wind also makes our skin pale and dry. Overall it is very important to keep a check on our health in this season. The best part about this season is that it produces healthy foods that help us to fight the cold weather. The leafy greens, healthy berries, nuts and so much more are in store from the nature of this season.

Healthy food

There are specific ingredients that are grown and enjoyed only during the winters. They are loaded with nutritional goodness that helps in developing a strong immunity. An ideal way to stay warm and healthy during winters is by eating heat-producing foods. They are rich in carbs protein and fat. Such food takes time to digest and generates natural heat in the body, which helps us to stay warm.

Here is the list of  5 superfoods that you must include in your winter diet. This will help you to stay warm, healthy and build strong immunity. 


During winter we see almost every second advertisement related to dry skin. The ideal way to nourish your skin is through healthy nuts like almonds and walnuts. This season is the reason for the dryness in the atmosphere.


Nuts are really beneficial during the winter season as they contain a natural form of oil. Including nuts in our winter diet can help in skin nourishment  They help in building metabolism and keep the body warm during winter. 


This dry fruit is highly recommended to be consumed during winters. It is highly effective against cold as it produces heat in the body. 


It also keeps the heart rate under control. And prevents heart attack. Overall dates are a great source to boost immunity. And as we feel lethargic during winter its also helps in boosting energy


These berries are also known as Amla in India. This Indian berry is rich in Vitamin C and its consumption during winter increases the immunity of the body. It helps in fighting the cold weather and virus attacks from the season. This berry also has some great sources of digestional qualities.

Gooseberry plant

There are so many ways one can enjoy this tangy juicy berry. In India, gooseberries are used to make pickles, Muruba (a sweet and tangy marmalade). You can also find dried amla candies in stores/shops which are mostly consumed after meals for digestion.

Rooted Vegetables

Radish, carrot, beetroot, turnip is winter specialty and are enjoyed only during this season. They are a rich source of magnesium and copper and help with digestive problems of the season.

Rooted Vegetables

Carrots and Turnip are rich in Vitamin K and their consumption helps in strengthening the bones as well as improves digestion.

Sweet potatoes

This vegetable has been reformed and rediscovered by the healthy crowd of India. It is cooked and enjoyed in form of fries, chaats, and burgers.

Sweet Potato fries

Sweet potatoes are rich in potassium, fiber, and Vitamin A. Regular consumption of this healthy food will help in reducing inflammation and curing constipation. 

Apart from the above-mentioned foods, one must also include physical fitness in their daily routine. And also increase the intake of fluid content that our body requires every day. The best way to consume these healthy foods is by including them in your daily diet. 

Your health is your wealth. So treat it well before it starts to dwell!


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