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What To Serve with Focaccia Bread?

What To Serve with Focaccia Bread?
What To Serve with Focaccia Bread?

Wondering what to serve with focaccia bread?

Focaccia is the perfect way to dress up your leftover chicken or cheese. It’s also a great base for sandwiches, appetizers and even pizza. It’s so versatile that it can take on any topping you throw at it, so let’s dive into what you can do with one of my favourite Italian bread: focaccia!

Top it with meat, fish and chicken

You can add meat, fish and chicken to make it a meal. This can be done in a variety of ways, including topping with cheese and herbs or spices (like rosemary), adding pesto sauce or even frying an egg on top. You can also garnish your focaccia with avocado and tomatoes for an Italian twist on French toast—or grab some mayo!

Use it for sandwiches.

In all its forms, focaccia is the perfect base for sandwiches. It’s soft enough to bite into easily but sturdy enough to hold up under a heavy load of ingredients. You can use it as a wrap or sandwich bread in any dish you want to make more substantial and flavorful than it would be on traditional white or wheat bread. Use focaccia as a base for your favourite sandwich ingredients: meatballs, prosciutto and mozzarella; grilled chicken breast with pesto; even grilled shrimp skewers and fresh mozzarella!

If you’re looking for an alternative to burgers that won’t weigh you down (or give you indigestion), try making burgers on focaccia instead of buns! Focaccia’s slightly crispy crust goes great with the juicy meat inside—it’ll keep things from getting too soggy while still adding some texture. Plus, they’re easier to eat with one hand than regular hamburger buns are—you won’t have any trouble holding onto them while eating at the beach or watching sports games!

Serve it with cheese plates.

It’s no accident that focaccia pairs well with cheese. The bread is hearty but not heavy; its texture is chewy and satisfying, making it the perfect partner for a good cheese plate. You can serve up a simple assortment of cheeses (such as Gouda, Brie, and Camembert) with your focaccia on a cutting board or platter. Or you could go all out with an assortment featuring different types of aged cheeses like Cheddar, Parmesan and Fontina alongside fresh goat cheese. The more varieties you offer your guests to taste alongside their focaccia, the better!

If you’re serving wine with your meal (and we think you should), try pairing red wines like Cabernet Sauvignon or Pinot Noir with rich, creamy cheeses like Brie or Camembert for an elegant combination that’s sure to impress. For white wine fans out there: don’t be afraid to mix sweet & savoury flavours when pairing wine & food! We enjoy Riesling wines served with both salty/sweet delights such as salted caramel ice cream sandwiches AND sweet berry compotes made from blackberries in California!

Dunk it in soup

The most obvious way to use focaccia bread is as a bread bowl, and I don’t just mean soup. You can also dip it in olive oil or soft cheese or use it as a vessel for any of your favourite soups.

For those who prefer meatballs over broth-based soups, there are plenty of options available: you can put the meatballs in the bottom of your bowl and top them with sauce, veggies and maybe even some fresh parsley. Or cut out small circles from the bread and fry them up until they’re golden brown—they make great dippers!

If you have any leftover salad from last night’s dinner party that you need to get rid of fast but don’t want to feel wasteful (because who doesn’t love a good salad?), throw all its components into a bowl with some dressing on top and serve alongside your Focaccia Bread Bowl at brunch this weekend.

Use a base for pizza.

Focaccia is a great base for pizza. The bread will soak up the sauce, cheese and toppings, which means that all of the flavours are evenly distributed through each bite. In addition to being delicious, focaccia is also easy to make at home with just five ingredients—flour, salt, yeast and water, as well as olive oil or butter (depending on how you want your focaccia).

You can top your focaccia with any number of things, including herbs, cheeses or vegetables like tomatoes or mushrooms, making it an excellent choice for pairing with other dishes.

Cut into cubes for appetizers.

Focaccia bread is a well-loved staple for appetizers, as it can be used for much more than just sandwiches. Cut into cubes and served with dips, or cut into wedges and served alongside soups—endless possibilities!

Focaccia goes with everything.

Focaccia is a versatile bread that can be used for so many things. Its round shape makes it a great base for pizza, sandwiches, appetizers, and cheese plates. It’s also delicious on its own with olive oil or balsamic vinegar drizzled overtop and served with an assortment of cheeses. Are you looking to try something new and fun this weekend but don’t know where to start with focaccia? We’ve got you covered!


In a nutshell, focaccia is an incredibly versatile bread. It’s great on its own and pairs well with just about any dish you can imagine. The only thing to remember is that it’s not good for sandwiches that require a lot of moisture to stay together (like dripping tomato sauce or juicy meats), so if that’s what you’re planning, go with something like ciabatta instead! So don’t think about what to serve with focaccia bread anymore!

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  1. […] Also read- What To Serve with Focaccia Bread? […]

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