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4 Maggi Recipes With A Crazy Twist

4 Maggi Recipes With A Crazy Twist

Make your usual Maggi recipes taste extraordinary and crazy new with these fantastic recipes that you would love to try at home. This concept has been trending in the last couple of years, from Nutella Maggi to peanut butter Maggi to Chicken tikka masala Maggi. It is almost hard for you to believe there are some other weird Maggi recipes.

Nutella Maggi

If you love Nutella and Maggi, you will love this recipe. It’s a simple dish that can be prepared in just a few minutes. You only need two ingredients: Nutella and Maggi cubes. The best part is that you can use any type of Nutella you want, including the hazelnut version or even peanut butter!

The recipe is very simple. All you need is to add Nutella to the cooked maggie. Just make sure that you do not add a tastemaker to the Maggi. Save it for the next recipe.

Peanut Butter Maggi Recipes

This is what we call a peanut butter sandwich on steroids! Better known as the ‘Maggi Sandwich’ in India, this snack is made with Maggi noodles and peanut butter sauce. It’s easy to make and a great way to use up leftover Maggi noodles.

Maggi Pizza

Pizza night just got better with this recipe that uses Maggi noodles as its base! You’ll need pizza dough, cheese (mozzarella or cheddar), tomato paste and grated cheese for the topping. This recipe works best if you have an oven-friendly plate or pizza stone, but it can be cooked without one too!

Chicken Tikka Masala Maggi Noodles

Who doesn’t love chicken tikka masala? This dish combines two popular Indian dishes — chicken tikka masala and Maggi noodles — into one delicious meal that’s ready in less than 30 minutes! 

All you need is to prepare your favourite Maggi with Chicken Tikka masala and serve hot. You can also add chunks of chicken pieces for extra flavour. 

Wrapping up

Maggi is a staple in almost every household. We have shown you easy recipes that are easy to make at home. These recipes don’t just keep you away from take-out but also let you experiment with different dishes at home. So, this weekend when your tummy demands a treat, try out these crazy and cool Maggi recipes.


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