How to avoid junk food seems to be a common issue of the present generation and is a tough one to tackle with. Studies have shown that fast food acts with the same effect of cocaine or heroin by triggering the pleasure centres of our brain. This trigger results in the form of addiction but this article will talk about 5 ways on how to avoid junk food.
- Understand the ‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’ foods-
The first key to avoiding unhealthy food is to completely understand the complexities of junk food like obesity, chronic diseases, heart attacks etc. Research on why junk food is known as “junk”, and ultimately understand what the benefits of ‘right’ foods. That is when you start your self-therapy to cut in your cravings.
- Don’t diet, just change your lifestyle-
This is one of the key stages of how to avoid fast food. Make small lifestyle changes like incorporating more of walking for short distance travels, starting out on eating homemade food, and also by keeping yourself mentally and physically engaged. Try to stay active by doing simple workouts, cooking, meditation or anything else that you enjoy.
- Calculate your expenses-
Calculate on how much you spend on unhealthy food per month, and calculate how much you have saved after switching over to homemade food. You will stick to homemade food eventually when you realize your expenses. If you find homemade food boring, you can always incorporate cooking interesting healthy recipes on your weekends.
- Keep yourself motivated-
When the craving kicks in, remind yourself of why you chose this lifestyle. Remind yourself of the benefits you will be reaping from this. Understand the importance of this stage on how to avoid junk food.
- Don’t be too harsh on yourself-
Treat yourself thrice a month on fast food. Give yourself a break from all the deadlines, homemade food, and other stress-related factors. Remember to have only 1-3 meals of junk food a month.
These 5 methods on how to avoid unhealthy food may seem challenging. If you have no access to homemade food, you can always subscribe to Masala Box. Do check out the website or download the app for a healthier eating habit!