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Unravel the Real Story behind the name – Chicken 65

Chicken 65, a popular and tantalising dish that has made its way into the hearts and palates of millions, is a beloved delicacy in many parts of the world. While its origins may be shrouded in mystery, several theories and anecdotes are there to explain the intriguing name. In this blog, we embark on a journey to unravel the real story behind the name “Chicken 65” and explore its fascinating history.

The Birth of a Legend:

Chicken 65’s origin story dates back to the 1960s. It is believed to have originated in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The dish was first introduced at the famous Buhari Hotel in Chennai, formerly known as Madras. It was on the hotel’s menu as “Chicken 65” without any further explanation, giving rise to numerous speculations about the name’s significance.

The Mythical Tale:

One popular theory suggests that the name Chicken 65 came about due to the number of days it took for the chicken to be marinated. It is believed that the chefs at the Buhari Hotel would marinate the chicken for precisely 65 days before it was cooked to perfection. However, this theory has been widely discredited. This is because it is practically impossible to marinate chicken for such an extended period without it spoiling.

Unravel the Real Story behind the name - Chicken 65

A Numeric Code:

Another intriguing theory proposes that the name Chicken 65 was derived from a numerical system used in the military canteens of Chennai. Allegedly, soldiers used “Chicken 65” as a code used to order a quick and spicy dish. They used this numeric system reportedly to streamline the ordering process and ensure efficient service. This theory gained traction due to the prevalence of similar numeric codes used in military establishments.

The Spice Blend Secret:

A more plausible explanation for the name Chicken 65 lies in the blend of spices used to create the dish. According to this theory, the number 65 represents the number of different spices originally used in the recipe. These spices, carefully combined and balanced, were responsible for the dish’s unique and flavourful taste. However, it is important to note that the actual number of spices used may vary across different recipes and interpretations.

The Political Connection:

One of the more amusing theories surrounding the name Chicken 65 revolves around political symbolism. There is a claim that the dish got introduced in 1965. It is the year when India went to war with Pakistan. To commemorate the event, the Buhari Hotel supposedly named the dish “Chicken 65”. It was to pay homage to the brave soldiers who fought in the war. While this theory adds an interesting narrative, there is little concrete evidence to support it.

Also Read: The Art of Perfectly Spiced Chicken Biryani: A Masterclass

Conclusion- Cracking the Mystery: Chicken 65 Unveiled

The true origin of the name “Chicken 65” may remain a mystery forever. It is because multiple theories exist with no definitive proof. However, the popularity of the dish and its delicious flavours continue to captivate food enthusiasts around the world. It may be born out of a culinary experiment, a secret code, or a patriotic gesture. But Chicken 65 has undeniably become an iconic dish in Indian cuisine. As we savour each bite of this spicy, flavourful delight, let us appreciate the rich history and the untold stories that surround the enigmatic name of Chicken 65. Regardless of its origin, the dish’s legacy lives on, tantalising our taste buds and reminding us of the wonders that can be created in the kitchen.

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